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  • #88211

    Hello All,

    I have great news to share! The Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker will be shipping this week from our factory. Your local music shop should have them next week. Your amp will love you more now than before.



    In reply to: EHX Mod Pages


    Nice set of links that will come in handy, I’m sure. The Big Muff link doesn’t work because of the space so just copy and paste it.

    Yeah, sorry about the Big Muff link, anybody know how to fix it? I’ve tried copying and pasting or typing it in.


    In reply to: EHX Mod Pages

    The EH Man

    Nice set of links that will come in handy, I’m sure. The Big Muff link doesn’t work because of the space so just copy and paste it.


    We all love our pedals, but sometimes we want to make them unique. That said, I’m starting a list of pages that have mods for our EHX pedals.

    Without further ado:

    Big Muff Pi:
    Creamy Dreamy Mods – https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/117/#2452

    Multiple Mods- http://www.student.ru.nl/r.kerkhof/Taas/Mods/Big Muff.htm

    Tone Bypass – http://docs.google.com/EmbedSlideshow?docid=dhrp52kc_14rg8b3gm&size=l

    True Bypass – http://www.singlecoil.com/docs/reissue_muff.pdf

    Various Big Muff Mods and Schematics can be found here: LINKY

    Deluxe Memory Man:
    Multiple Mods –http://www.diystompboxes.com/pedals/mmmod.html

    Frequency Analyzer:
    Adding a ‘Carrier Signal’ – http://experimentalistsanonymous.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=376

    Low pass filter expression pedal mod: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/319/P15/

    Small Clone:
    Tremolo/Chorus/Vibrato – Click here for more information from Kevin

    Small Stone:
    Blend – http://experimentalistsanonymous.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=1095
    Multiple Mods – http://www.moosapotamus.net/THINGS/frankenstone.htm
    Univibe – http://www.lynx.bc.ca/~jc/pedalsSmallStone.html
    Vibrato – http://www.kyletompkins.com/wp/?p=355
    Volume loss –http://www.kyletompkins.com/wp/?p=191

    True Bypass: This is applicable to nearly all pedals.

    Anti-Pop Switching for any pedal! http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af286/fenderamerica/Pedal Schematics/ANTIPOPJACK.png

    General True Bypass Wiring (superior to others) –
    http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af286/fenderamerica/Pedal Schematics/MYTBSWITCH.png

    Third Party Modifications:
    Ronsound offers Big Muff “Hair Pie” modifications as well as Vintage EH pedal repair:
    Howard Davis offers a multitude of EH modifications and pedal repair:
    Shotgunn is offering some microsynth mods:
    Analogman does modifications for the Small Stone, Big Muff, DMM, and other EHX pedals:

    More to come later. If you have any links, let me know and I’ll include them in the list.



    In reply to: My EHX Collection


    I only have a modded Big Muff Pi, a modded vintage Frequency Analyzer and a nano LPB-1. But I hope I’ll get a DMM as soon as I have some money to spend, those units are hot.

    Ned Flanders

    Well as you have probably heard EH made the Big Muff with opamps in place of transistors for a period in the 70’s (77&78;models) The opamp BMP was designed by Howard Davis, he designed a lot off cool effects for EHX and is now with pigtronics as their main designer. The 78 version comes with a tone bypass option which bypasses the tonestack and essentially allows you to have flat mids, it sounds pretty cool in bypass, kinda like you’ve tuned the treble and mids up a bit. The 77 version has an on/off switch.

    The opamp Big Muff differs from the transistor version in so far as it has more of a crunchy sound, not as mid scooped and is overall a little bit clearer and not as “muffled” (I don’t really consider BMP’s to be muffled but you get the point)

    Its still has the unmistakable Big Muff sound that we all love and expect form the BMP but its different enough than the transistor version to warrant owning both versions. The opamp muff is becoming harder to get these days and are being sold on ebay less frequently. Some people sell their vintage muffs on ebay listed as “a standard NYC big muff” unknowing that they have an opamp version so keep an eye out for that.

    I’ll record and upload some clips later today of this muff variant.

    Bottom line is, this pedal rocks so try to find one and I bet you all my EH pedals* you’ll love it.



    In reply to: Iconic EHX Tracks


    Cocteau Twins
    “Blind Dumb Deaf”
    Robin Guthrie
    EHX: Big Muff Pi, vintage The Clone Theory
    References: 1,
    YouTube: Blind Dumb Deaf
    Submitted by Fender&EHX4ever;


    In reply to: Before Or After


    Here’s my signal path:

    HOG (pitch shifter, don’t want anything before it to screw up tracking)
    Frequency Analyzer (I think it sounds best before anything else with the exception of the HOG really- I don’t want it to ring modulate any additional sounds that are made by other pedals- resonance, grit, etc.)
    Korg DT-10 (so I can tune my frequency analyzer if need be)
    stereo pulsar (before my envelope filter so it can futz with it)
    Subdecay Prometheus envelope filter/sample + hold filter- (after my HOG and my pulsar so they can futz with it, but before my fuzz so it can’t futz with it)
    Little Big Muff- after everything that I want before it
    DOD-250- after my LBM because it sounds better that way
    Stereo Clone Theory- after my dirt mainly so it can split the signal. Otherwise I might put it before, because with dirt and chorus on I find that the signal is more dirty less chorusy with it before, which is how I prefer it. Or I could put it in my SMMH’s “loop”
    So one out goes to my amp’s instrument channel
    other out goes to my SMMH
    SMMH- where it is so I can run it full wet and use a volume pedal to control the mix
    DOD FX-17- after the SMMH to control loop volume (also if I put FX in between I basically have an FX loop for my SMMH)
    that goes to my bass channel

    I want to build a pedal location switcher so that I can swap the order of my FX-17 and SMMH so then I can open and close the delay and have it trail naturally.


    It sounds like it could possibly be the original Triangle Muff, because Mike said it’s exactly the same as the original Big Muff Pi but with the added tone wicker and tone bypass controls. But I could very well be wrong, it could be the latest NYC Big Muff and I’m just over analyzing each of Mike’s words. But that’s what I do.

    I’m sure Fuzz, Mike, or Scott can answer that with actual knowledge and not just assumptions ;)


    In reply to: Big Muff


    I’ve owned about 4 different Big Muff Pis over the last year, and I’ve found that some are noisier than others. The noisiest one I owned was the one I have now, but I sent it to EHman for the Classic HairPie Mod and the noise floor was reduced to almost nothing. If the noise is unbearable, you might try trading it out for a different one.

    You can tap tempo in 300 ms or 1 second modes to achieve longer delay times
    I just tweaked my multi 1 sec + reverse preset to sound a little more analogue. This, I think is going to be my main mode now I figured out you can use tap tempo.

    Blend – 10 O clock
    Decay – 10 O clock
    Filter – 11 O clock
    Repeats – 10.30
    Delay – Not sure as I tapped it in, but it’s around 450 milliseconds

    Reverse Echo-
    1 30, 1 30, 1 30, 3, 8

    I don’t really know what to do with it yet though

    Echo- 3 sec

    10-11, all the way to the left, 12, all the way to the left, 9 30
    that’s a nice usable one.

    300ms with mod

    3, all right, all right, 9, all left
    12, all right, 1 30 ish, 1 30 ish, 9

    Reverb only:
    Blend=12:00 (variable)
    Decay=12:00 (variable)
    Filter=12:00 (variable)
    Hazarai=3 sec or 1 sec
    Subtle Ambience

    Blend: 9:00
    Decay: Off
    Filter: 10:00
    Repeats: 8:30
    Delay: 12:00
    Hazarai: 1 sec, echo

    Washy Delay

    Blend :1:00
    Decay : 3:00
    Filter : 12:00
    Repeats : 11:00
    Delay : maximum
    Hazarai : Echo 300ms + Mod

    Post Rock Delay

    Blend – 10 O clock
    Decay – 10 O clock
    Filter – 11 O clock
    Repeats – 10.30
    Delay – Not sure as I tapped it in, but it’s around 450 milliseconds

    Reverb only:
    Blend=12:00 (variable)
    Decay=12:00 (variable)
    Filter=12:00 (variable)
    Hazarai=3 sec or 1 sec

    Volume swells looped

    Blend: 12:00
    Decay: minimum
    Filter: maxed
    Repeats: maxed
    Delay: maxed
    Hazarai: 300 mS + Mod

    Reverse notes

    Blend: maxed
    Decay: 9:00
    Filter: 3:00
    Repeats: 9:00
    Delay: 12:00
    Hazarai: Reverse Echo

    Reverse Echo Notes

    Blend: maximum
    Decay: 10:00
    Filter: minimum
    Repeats: 1:00
    Delay: 1:00
    Hazarai: Reverse Echo

    Cool Reverse Echo

    Blend: maximum
    Decay: minimum
    Filter: tweak to taste
    Repeats: minimum
    Delay: 11:00
    Hazarai: Reverse Echo

    Stereo Flanger

    Blend: 3:00
    Decay: 9:30
    Filter: 12:00
    Repeats: 1:00
    Delay: minimum
    Hazarai: 300 mS + Mod


    Blend: maximum
    Decay: maximum
    Filter: variable
    Repeats: maximum
    Delay: less delay time = shorter swell
    Hazarai: 1 sec or 3 sec


    Blend: 12.00
    Decay: 3.00
    Filter: 9.00
    Repeats: 3.00
    Delay: 8.00
    Hazarai: 1 sec multitap

    My favorite setting on the SMMH right now:

    Mode: reverse echo
    Blend: to taste
    filter: to taste, I usually maybe 11 o clock or so
    decay: down all the way
    repeats: set between 9 and 1 o clock
    delay time- set between 100 and 300 or so milliseconds to taste

    hit a chord and listen to that beautiful “random filter” like sound as the chord decays

    This is a quite good preset. Not that useful for individual notes or anything, but soo much fun for volume swells. Dial in a nice clean sound, switch to the neck pickup and swell some chords. Tonal heaven.

    Blend: Around 12 o’ clock. Doesn’t matter too much.
    Decay: 12 o’ clock.
    Filter: 12 o’ clock.
    Repeats: Just above 12 o’ clock, there should be 15 repeats.
    Delay: Adjust according to taste and how long you want the swells to continue ringing, but mine is around 11 o’ clock.

    Mode: Multi tap, 1 or 3 seconds.

    Ok, time for me to contribute another setting. I found this weird, synth-like sitar setting just a bit ago.

    Blend: 12:00
    Decay: 9:00
    Filter: 12:00
    Repeats: 2:00
    Delay time: 8:00
    Hazari: 1 Sec Mode

    The delay time is tricky to tune in *just* right. Too much and you end up with a feed-backy ring-mod type sound. Too little and it just won’t sound all that different. Just right and you have a sitar.

    I got the best results on the bridge pickup of my Strat and with the SMMH going into an LPB-1 with the boost at about 11:00. It sounded fine without the LPB1 as well, but the LPB1’s extra gain helped it get a little more chimey.

    It sounded pretty good with dirt and fuzz as well. Big Muffed Sitar FTW!

    Well that’s it for condensing pages 1-30.

    If someone wants to do the rest before I get around to it, be my guest!


    In reply to: EHX pedal bag…

    E-H proto’s? are any of those now in production or are they TBA?

    Those were 10 of the “Dirty Dozen” prototypes that I brought to the “MusikMesse Frankfurt 2006”
    for E-H as my freelance tribute to the motto “Heavy Metal Pedals”…

    obviously not heavy enough, they didn`t pass the test…
    (some other designer`s circuit was taken for the “Metal Muff”).

    (I probably had listened to the Isley Brothers too much at that time,
    and tried to get both the sound of “Who`s That Lady” and/or “Live It Up” into them…
    it ended up as 12 variations on the theme, with different amounts of control-knobs 😆 )


    I got a metal muff (the medium sized one) a while back for bargain price on ebay….it’s has some kind of wierd mid harmonic thing going on that I’m not sure I like at all. It sounds good for real ‘metal’ but it’s pretty useless for anything else….. :(

    it will probably end up back where it came from one day!!

    I was hoping for just a regular high gain distortion….


    In reply to: Post your Pedalboard

    Kevin Demuth
    I’ve heard J Mascis does this with his Big Muffs.

    my Rat collection pales into insignificance compared to J’s Big Muff collection…

    (i don’t know how up to date this picture is…)



    In reply to: Post your Pedalboard

    Dr. Matt
    i posted this over at Harmony Central but some of the kids there didn’t appreciate it… 😥

    it seemed like a good idea at the time… didn’t it Simon?! :facepalm: 😆

    i’ll take a ‘proper’ picture of my real boards (with EHX content) soon. :thumb:

    the unmarked pedal is a GGG Rat, the Batman pedal is a BYOC Rat. :rawk:

    I don’t understand why people wouldn’t appreciate that. Clearly each have their differences (i even notice that the duplicate RAT 2 has an extra switch), and its good to be able to select between variations of the same distortion to suit different songs – I’ve heard J Mascis does this with his Big Muffs.

    I find myself wanting to get a RAT lately, too :)


    In reply to: Happy Thanksgiving!


    Yay for late November birthdays. Happy birthday MelX!

    I got one too.

    Maybe love of EHX is in the stars for us. It could be part of the Sagittarius horoscope!

    (really hoping my sisters got me a gift card to Pianos ‘n Stuff with which I’ll get a Bass Big Muff, although maybe they got me a bass big muff. Otherwise I could just buy it myself with my hard earned cash or my birthday money from the folks or grandfolks)

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