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  • #87433

    The Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker is a great Distortion/Sustainer that will work on guitar, bass and keyboards. Rememebr, you can try any of the EHX Muffs with this combination. We already have a great Bass Big Muff Pi, but the Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker can sure add some serious coloring to your bass tone. Why not have two? You will have that classic Pi sound with more capabilities than before. You will indeed love this box as it is the gateway to complex distortion euphoria…. So Step On!



    Hey all, I wanted you to be the first to know — I just “officially” added the Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker to the EHX site, see:


    I don’t yet have a demo video or instructions, but you’ll be able to see the product text and photos. We’ll be adding a blog post soon — so you really are the first to know!

    Feel free to share the news in your favorite forums… :poke: :D

    Yes i understand

    Woah few hundrend Ehx audio demos!! 😮

    I’m not sure what the best solution would be. We need more people in on this ;)

    Right — additionally, it’s potentially two different approaches: 1) use most of the old library, or 2) hand-pick a few that are especially good — and both have a different set of corresponding complications, if you see what I mean.

    fwiw, I like the behavior of the play buttons on this page:

    But you can see that if we have 20 or more clips for a single product (such as the Big Muff) this approach wouldn’t work…

    There is an EHX Mini Synth here at HQ…. that sound is a reminder of the New Wave Era….. I think of Depeche Mode when dropping those sounds. I have read articles where they mentioned using Big Muff while recording Violator….

    I love Violater and Music For The Masses. Those albums are post-New Wave classics, for sure – very influential to NIN and Radiohead.

    Any chance that EHX will ever release another keyboard type synth?


    There is an EHX Mini Synth here at HQ…. I have tried it. Very cool indeed. That would be great to have on top of your amp for when you can walk over to it and drop some Analog Blast Frequency Modulated Filtered Assault…. that sound is a reminder of the New Wave Era….. I think of Depeche Mode when dropping those sounds. I have read articles where they mentioned using Big Muff while recording Violator…. The Big Muff NYC is a box for all ages…. No small parts to swallow…. just shards of glass like tone to watch out for.


    In reply to: Post your Pedalboard

    Ok pic from tonites gig, which was surprisingly pretty good and well mixed. And loud! 😆 :rawk:


    and please don’t bash on with “fruscinate’d” crap :p 😆

    Micro Synth, POG, DMM, Worm, Tube Zipper, Big Muff Pi, and a Small Clone! That’s a great selection of EHX :thumb:

    So did you get your Micro Synth fixed? I’m assuming you wouldn’t have brought it to the gig if weren’t.

    thanks! :)

    not fixed yet. I just didn’t take it off my board. plus it looks good ;) shame though, cause i would have used it. :(

    i only came back from holiday 3 days ago and haven’t had that much time to open it up. I’ll have a look this week.


    In reply to: Post your Pedalboard

    Ok pic from tonites gig, which was surprisingly pretty good and well mixed. And loud! 😆 :rawk:


    and please don’t bash on with “fruscinate’d” crap :p 😆

    Micro Synth, POG, DMM, Worm, Tube Zipper, Big Muff Pi, and a Small Clone! That’s a great selection of EHX :thumb:

    So did you get your Micro Synth fixed? I’m assuming you wouldn’t have brought it to the gig if weren’t.

    I love this topic!!! :rawk:

    Edge using a black strat and a deluxe memory man
    Cobain using a mustang and a polychorus
    Mascis using a jazzmaster and a big muff
    Jonny Greenwood using a telecaster and a small stone
    Robin Guthrie using a jaguar and a clone theory

    These are irresistible combinations.

    Irre-fucking-sistible choices (what are the rules on language? oops)

    good points fenderehx :)

    not discussed yet, it doesn’t bother me (lets face it, it’s language you hear everyday) but I’m not exactly ‘pro-swearing’ either….it might be best for admin not to encourage it.

    I presume EHX want this forum to be a place for people of all ages and while most kids these days use worse language than me, it might be best not to go overboard on the swearing, I wouldn’t ban someone for swearing, but if it was repeated and unnesessary, you know f’in this and f’in that and ‘c’in this I might ask them to try and control it a little..

    I dunno, what do the others think?

    Oh yeah, i’m an admin 😆

    this place is gonna get crowded when everyone else joins. It feels so cosy and secret atm.

    I love this topic!!! :rawk:

    Edge using a black strat and a deluxe memory man
    Cobain using a mustang and a polychorus
    Mascis using a jazzmaster and a big muff
    Jonny Greenwood using a telecaster and a small stone
    Robin Guthrie using a jaguar and a clone theory

    These are irresistible combinations.

    Irre-fucking-sistible choices (what are the rules on language? oops)

    good points fenderehx :)

    not discussed yet, it doesn’t bother me (lets face it, it’s language you hear everyday) but I’m not exactly ‘pro-swearing’ either….it might be best for admin not to encourage it.

    I presume EHX want this forum to be a place for people of all ages and while most kids these days use worse language than me, it might be best not to go overboard on the swearing, I wouldn’t ban someone for swearing, but if it was repeated and unnesessary, you know f’in this and f’in that and ‘c’in this I might ask them to try and control it a little..

    I dunno, what do the others think?

    I love this topic!!! :rawk:

    Edge using a black strat and a deluxe memory man
    Cobain using a mustang and a polychorus
    Mascis using a jazzmaster and a big muff
    Jonny Greenwood using a telecaster and a small stone
    Robin Guthrie using a jaguar and a clone theory

    These are irresistible combinations.

    Irre-fucking-sistible choices (what are the rules on language? oops)

    good points fenderehx :)


    I love this topic!!! :rawk:

    Edge using a black strat and a deluxe memory man
    Cobain using a mustang and a polychorus
    Mascis using a jazzmaster and a big muff
    Jonny Greenwood using a telecaster and a small stone
    Robin Guthrie using a jaguar and a clone theory

    These are irresistible combinations.


    In reply to: My EHX Collection

    I’ve got a Big Face/Fuzz Muff on the way. Big Muff circuit in a Fuzz Face box, with a super psychedelic paintjob. Looks super sweet.

    pics !!!


    In reply to: My EHX Collection


    you really are getting ehx back!

    whens the vocoder pic coming?? very impatient i am

    I sure am, I got a little big muff from the postman this morning too (bargain, couldn’t resist) wiggler will arrive thursday.

    looks like the Graphic eq might be a couple of weeks though.. :(

    and the tone wicker is maybe 4 weeks away….. :cry:[/quote]

    i wish i had stuff in the mail :([/quote]

    you only just got a fuzzface!! 😆

    my turn now!! :wave:[/quote]

    ha well my geargasm has recharged.

    I want to save up for a jagaur….[/quote]

    do it… :rawk:


    In reply to: My EHX Collection


    you really are getting ehx back!

    whens the vocoder pic coming?? very impatient i am

    I sure am, I got a little big muff from the postman this morning too (bargain, couldn’t resist) wiggler will arrive thursday.

    looks like the Graphic eq might be a couple of weeks though.. :(

    and the tone wicker is maybe 4 weeks away….. 😥

    i wish i had stuff in the mail :(

    you only just got a fuzzface!! 😆

    my turn now!! :wave:


    In reply to: My EHX Collection


    you really are getting ehx back!

    whens the vocoder pic coming?? very impatient i am

    I sure am, I got a little big muff from the postman this morning too (bargain, couldn’t resist) wiggler will arrive thursday.

    looks like the Graphic eq might be a couple of weeks though.. :(

    and the tone wicker is maybe 4 weeks away….. 😥

    i wish i had stuff in the mail :(

    I’ve got a Big Face/Fuzz Muff on the way. Big Muff circuit in a Fuzz Face box, with a super psychedelic paintjob. Looks super sweet.

Viewing 15 results - 1,621 through 1,635 (of 1,656 total)