Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Ehx 22500 Looper issue: trying to play pre-recorded wav audio file from sd card

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  • #85940
    Mr Shaun

    I’ve tried importing a wav audio file onto the sd card of a ehx22500 looper with a view to triggering the pre-recorded sample with my foot.
    I copied the sample onto the sd card (called it LOOPA.WAV first, as suggested in the manual) and put it into a Bank00 folder on the sd card.
    I checked it would play from the folder on the sd card from my laptop and it did.
    Then I put the sd card into the looper and turned the pedal on (the pedal was connected to an amp via one of the mono outputs).
    I then selected Bank on the options and dialled to 00.
    I then tried to Play the sample but couldn’t get anything.
    It seemed I couldn’t go straight to Play mode: the pedal always expected me to record something first.
    Any ideas how I can play my pre-recorded sample from the sd card using the pedal (so, just use the pedal to start/stop the sample) without going into record mode?


    How you want the pedal to operate is how it should operate. It’s possible that something went wrong with the file transfer or how you ended up setting up the folder. Try doing this with bank that might not exist yet. For instance, on your unit, there is no BANK14 yet. Copy an existing Bank folder and paste it into the root directory. Do not rename the file yet. Just leave it as BANKxx – COPY for now. Paste your wave files into the folder. Delete the USERBANK.SET file in the new folder. Then open the BANKTMPO.TXT file in your Bank folder. In the line, where it says TEMPO = xxx.xxxxx bpm, write in the BPM number used to create the loops; this will be the default tempo for the loop bank. At this point, rename the folder to BANK14. When you put the SD card back into the unit, and go to BANK14, the MEM light should be lit and the unit should go straight into playback when you hit the Loop A Footswitch. If this still doesn’t work, make sure your .wav file is 16-bit, 44.1kHz.

    Mr Shaun

    Thanks. Will give that a go and let you know how I get on afterwards.
    Best wishes
    Mr Shaun

    Mr Shaun

    Thank you for your help. The main issue seemed to be that the Looper will not play a 24 bit sample: it was fine with a 16 bit one.
    Best wishes
    Mr Shaun

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