Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880/4500 looper – use Europ. power supply (230V) in 220V countries

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    Hi guys,

    I’m very close to switching to an EHX looper, very. Just want to make sure everything will work just fine. According to the relevant thread in this forum:

    “input voltage: if your country runs on 220, then the ps must have 220v on the input, if it’s 110, 110 and so on

    At the moment I live in Vietnam (230V), also many European countries have 230V. The EU9LDC-500 ps is 230V. QUESTION: Will the EHX looper work 100% properly using it with the EUR 220V ps in a 230V country?

    Thanks for your help!

    PS: I wonder if Reggie Watts has four different power supplies in his bag – US, UK, EUR, AUS. Or is there another way how to use the looper “internationally”?


    Anyone can help me? Please?


    Hello from Germany,
    I’m pretty sure it will work. Most of the time people talk about whether s.th. is 220 or 110 Volt because this is the main difference. Sometimes in Europe we even say 220-240 Volt. 230 volt isn’t the exact voltage:
    a quote from wikepedia about the u.k. for example:
    “Voltage tolerance of 230 V +10%/−6% (216.2 V to 253 V), due to be widened to 230 V ±10% (207 V to 253 V) at a date yet to be specified”



    Hi Dirk!

    Thank you for your help! Funny that an Austrian guy gets a reply from a German guy on an American forum :)
    Übrigens wollte ich dir gestern eine PM schicken, bezüglich deines Threads. Hat aber nicht geklappt. Oder?

    Schönen Gruß nach Deutschland

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